Our daily surroundings have a significant influence on our moods and emotions. However, the impact goes beyond our immediate reaction—one study discovered that living in a cluttered home can actually stimulate the production of cortisol, the stress hormone. Let’s look at what psychologists and researchers have to say about how your mind reflects your surroundings—and how you can change your surroundings to improve your mood.
The scientific term for the variability of life on Earth is biological diversity or biodiversity. It includes not only species but also ecosystems and genetic differences within one species. Species live together and rely on one another all over the world. Every physical object, including humans, is a part of ecosystems, which are complex networks of interdependent relationships.
They provide raw materials and resources for the production of medicines and other goods. They are the muse of civilization and the lifeblood of our economies. We refer to them as “natural capital.”
Threats will be handled better by a large variety of species than by a small number of them in large populations. Regardless of whether certain species are harmed by pollution, climate change, or human activities, the ecosystem as a whole may adapt and survive.
Although European diversity is unique, biodiversity loss in Europe and around the world has reached unprecedented levels. The current global extinction rate is estimated to be 100 to 1000 times higher than the natural rate. In Europe, 42 percent of European mammals, 15 percent of birds, and 45 percent of butterflies and reptiles are endangered. The Alopex lagopus, the Iberian lynx, and the red squirrel, to name a few, are all critically endangered.
By 2020, we want to put an end to biodiversity loss in the EU. learn how to work with the EU’s biodiversity strategy It makes financial sense to combat biodiversity loss. In the Economics of Biodiversity, figure out why.
For a long time, we have been dedicated to the preservation of biodiversity. learn more about the EU Biodiversity Policy’s history and background.
When automobile manufacturing attained advancement in the form of assembly line technique, the mass production of cars presented a promise of a better future. Driving a car became an integral part of the proverbial American Dream. When Ford started selling millions of Model T cars, the country experienced economic growth. Additional jobs were created in other industries since owning and driving a car indicated elevation of social status. Moreover, Americans were inspired to work harder so they can enjoy the newfound ability and freedom to travel and vacation in style.
However as decades passed, environmentalists and environment scientists began calling attention to the impact of automobiles on the planet, particularly in the earth’s atmosphere. Although concerted efforts to call attention to the issues and problems caused by cars, gave rise to government regulations, they were not adequate as solutions.
Why Government Regulations Alone Do Not Suffice in Reducing the Environmental Impact of the Car Industry
The impact of cars on the environment is not just the result of energy consumption and fuel combustion resulting in CO2 emissions. Starting from the point of production, the automotive industry affects the environment, even before fleets of cars reach consumers.
The amount of energy and resources consumed to constantly supply great demands for metal, rubber, plastics, fiber glass, glass and paint cannot be overlooked. Many more need to be supplied even if car manufacturers produce electric cars. Furthermore, the impact is global, as most car materials and components are derived from or produced by mining industries in other countries.
Even the end of a car’s active life does not denote cutting short its impact on the environment. Abandoned cars are not only blight to the environment; they become environmental hazards as the collection of cars in junkyards, can still leak toxic chemicals from metal rusts, oils, lubricants and battery acid on unprotected ground.
The production and supply of petroleum and its by products already create environmental impact, regardless of whether they are burned as fuel by vehicles. Unearthing and extracting fossils, as sources of fuel are energy intensive as well as damaging to nearby ecosystems.
Thank Goodness for Recycling
It’s a good thing that recycling is now supported as a sustainable approach to manufacturing new cars. According to business reports, about 75% of average cars sold today in automobile markets, made use of recycled components, including steel frames. Recycling can also reduce the amount of energy used in procuring new automotive components.
By the way, those looking to buy pre-loved or brand new cars can find the best deals at Earnhardt Auto Centers . You can easily find this car dealer in 17 different locations in Phoenix, Arizona as it ranks high in the list of top 25 automobile dealers in the country.
The Environmental Working Group is a nonprofit organization that advocates for environmental protection and public health. The Environmental Working Group (EWG) is a nonprofit organization that advocates for environmental protection and public health. The EWG was founded in 1993 by Ken Cook, who was also the founder of Greenpeace.
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration is a federal agency that works to protect the safety and health of workers in the workplace. The OSHA was established by Congress in 1970 with the passage of the Occupational Safety and Health Act. This act created a national workplace safety law with a variety of different federal, state, and local regulations.
There are other working groups that ensure the safety of products in various parts of the world. In Australia, product safety and regulation are handled by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC). Commercial cleaners Melbourne like Sparkle Office Cleaning Services adhere to the standards of the ACCC.
What are The Environmental Working Group’s (EWG) and OSHA standards for natural cleaning products?
The Environmental Working Group (EWG) and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) provide information on how to live a healthier lifestyle. The EWG and the OSHA set standards for the safest products, based on the potential risk to human health and animals.
Among the many cleaning products on the market, many people still use natural and safe household cleaning products. There are a variety of ways to clean your home without harming your family. or the environment, but it takes patience and persistence for the method to work. Natural and safe household cleaning products are considered to be those that do not harm human health or the environment. Some of these include vinegar, baking soda, hydrogen peroxide, dish soaps, and detergents made from plants and animal fats.
Read also: There’s such a thing as Green Commercial Cleaning
Natural cleaning products that can be aligned with the EWG standards
The Environmental Working Group (EWG) is a nonprofit organization that focuses on researching and publishing information about chemicals in the environment. The EWG’s list of natural cleaning products is the most comprehensive list of green products available on the market today.
The EWG’s Best Green Product award goes to brands that have successfully reduced their environmental impact through their product development and manufacturing processes, as well as by supporting policies to reduce pollution and protect public health.
List of natural products you can use for cleaning at home:
- Natural vinegar. indispensable. This is already an all-purpose cleaner in itself. Dirt cheap and easy to find in the oil and vinegar section of your local supermarket.
- Baking soda. Equally indispensable. This is a natural abrasive that will clean practically everything. A cardboard orange pack of baking soda can be bought in the baking department of your regular supermarket.
- Lemon juice (preferably of course from fresh lemons, what saves a plastic bottle)
- Essential oils. I personally find the smell of vinegar a bit difficult, so I’m glad I have three oils that smell very nice. I buy this at the organic store.
- Castile soap from Dr. Bronner’s (you can find these products online or at any organic store)
It is also useful to have a few glass bottles with a spray head on them. You can recycle bottles of cosmetics, but you can also find these types of bottles at stores such as Dille&Kamille.
Furthermore, it can be very useful to transfer the baking soda from the cardboard pack into a sprinkler can (such as a powdered sugar caster, for example) because then you deal with the baking soda much more economically and in a more controlled manner, plus: the pack does not get wet.
With these label pliers, you can make labels for bottles and (herb) jars. Totally not necessary of course, but the eye also wants something 😉
When you have these basics at home, you can clean almost endlessly, because you don’t need a lot of them and you can also use some products for different purposes. In addition to being better for the environment, it is also beneficial for your wallet!