Protect the environment While using TV

We spend almost a quarter of our awake lives in front of the television. If you are going to buy a new TV, make a conscious choice. Larger and more advanced often also means higher energy consumption. Also keep an eye on your decoder. Some older decoders use more electricity per year than your washing machine.

A television mainly affects the environment through power consumption; this increases the greenhouse effect, because power plants emit CO2. The smaller your screen, the lower the environmental impact. Of course, the number of hours you watch also matters: at 4 hours a day, the TV consumes between 100 and 500 kWh per year. If you have a digital decoder, feel free to add 50 to 250 kWh.

The energy label on TVs helps to find an efficient appliance. A new 42-inch LED LCD television with energy label A + uses 75 kWh of electricity per year. An equally large screen with energy label B needs 140 kWh of power, which is almost twice as much.

Tips for an energy-efficient TV

  • When purchasing, pay attention to the energy label: the most energy- efficient TVs have an A ++ label.
  • Choosing smaller TV . A small screen consumes less power than a large screen.
  • Do you have a plasma TV ? Then lower the brightness: you will then use less power.
  • Do not leave your TV and decoder on standby, but switch them off completely when you go to bed or are not at home. A power strip with on / off switch is useful for this: you can turn all devices off completely in one go. Or use a timer.

Watch the environmental impacts of energy?

TV and the environment

The less electricity your television uses, the better it is for the environment. The biggest environmental impact of a TV is in the way it is viewed: the TV and decoder then consume electricity. If you look at the entire lifespan of the television, only 10 percent of the energy consumption goes to production, the other 90 percent goes to watching.

Small screen consumes less power
The rule of thumb is: the smaller the TV screen, the less power the TV consumes. Televisions with a screen diagonal of 42 inches use more than twice as much electricity as 26-inch televisions with the same energy label!

Prefer LED or LCD than plasma
Nowadays you can find almost only LED televisions in the store. LCD and plasma TVs are almost no longer for sale. LED televisions have backlight from many small LED lights.

Old-fashioned televisions with a picture tube are relatively economical. So you are not necessarily doing the environment a favor if you replace your old device with a handy flat screen – although a small LED screen can be more economical.

Pay attention to the energy label

The energy label makes it easy to compare televisions: it shows which TV is energy efficient. Handy, because the differences are large – see the table below. Pay attention to the energy label, because the size of the screen matters a lot. The most energy-efficient televisions are often labeled A +, but there are also A ++ LED televisions. There are also televisions with label A or B. Due to strict rules, the power during standby is very low, maximum 1 watt.

Watching can make people entertained like ‘ iptv’  even they use  small or big TV , but people should also  conserve energy to protect the environment. because without environment there is no energy produced.
