Light is the source of all being on our planet. The fact that there is a climate on Earth in which humans, animals and plants can live is related to our Earth’s atmosphere.
Light is physically electromagnetic radiation with a very short wavelength. At the border between air and water or air and glass, it breaks, i.e. it changes its direction of propagation. Some of the light is visible, but the UV light and the longer-wave heat-raying infrared light at the edges of the spectrum are invisible. When light hits opaque bodies, it is absorbed or reflected. The short-wave visible radiation of the light is transformed into long-wave heat radiation when encountered with opaque matter.
On its way from the sun to Earth, the short-wave sunlight penetrates the Earth’s atmosphere. At the speed of light, it makes its way through the different layers of the atmosphere: first through the exosphere, the transition between atmosphere and space at an altitude between 1000 and 400 kilometers, then through the thermosphere, iono and mesosphere, through the little-moving stratosphere, in the middle of which the ozone layer is between 30 and 20 kilometers high, and finally through the closest atmospheric layer to the earth. , the troposphere. Here all weather events take place up to an altitude of 16 kilometers.
The short-wave radiation of the incoming sunlight is partly reflected by the atmosphere and the earth’s surface, the rest passes through the atmosphere, warms the earth’s surface and is radiated back as infrared heat radiation. Some of the re-radiated heat passes through the atmosphere and gets lost in space, the other part cannot penetrate the layer of water vapor, carbon dioxide and traces of other gases in the atmosphere and is held back in the atmosphere.
The atmosphere consists mostly of nitrogen, oxygen and argon. These gases are quite permeable for both visible light and the heat that the Earth radiates back into space. However, the atmosphere also includes water vapor, carbon dioxide and traces of other gases. They are permeable to visible light, but far less so to infrared light. These gases act as a shield for the earth. They are called greenhouse gases. The higher their concentration, the higher the temperature on Earth.
Without the protective atmosphere, life would not be possible on Earth. It stores some of the impacting radiation as heat energy, thus preventing bitterly cold temperatures. Scientists have calculated that without the natural greenhouse effect on Earth, the average temperature would be minus 18 degrees Celsius. The greenhouse gases are responsible for the fact that the average surface temperature is plus 15 degrees Celsius. Thus, the natural greenhouse effect is plus 33 degrees Celsius. Life as we know it would not exist without him.
So the greenhouse effect is nothing new, it is an ancient phenomenon that has enabled the emergence of life on our planet. But for about 250 years, a new phenomenon has been added: the influence of humans significantly increases the natural greenhouse effect. The so-called “anthropogenic greenhouse effect” superimposes natural influences and puts our climate system at risk. The current concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere is higher than in the past 650,000 years. We must stop this development – so that the fragile climate system of our planet is preserved for future generations.
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The threats of climate change to our existence as Earth’s current inhabitants are now upon us, which the four years of Trump presidency deliberately ignored. While there are still many skeptics among us, NASA, through its Earth-orbiting satellites have shown concrete evidences supporting the studies conducted by climate scientists.
As a matter of fact, the possibilities of a global warming phenomena was perceived by a Swedish scientist named Svante Arrhenius in as early as 1896. Back then, Dr. Arrhenius, merely hypothesized from his observations that as Earth’s human inhabitants continue to burn fossil fuels, carbon dioxide would amass in the Earth’s atmosphere and raise the planet’s temperature.
Over the years, many climate scientists collected a body of data that revealed signals of global warming as they were convinced that the findings of the Swedish scientist have been gradually unfolding.
Data Collected by NASA Satellites Showing Earth’s Many Responses to Global Warming
Modern day scientists studied ice cores from Antarctica, Greenland and mountain glaciers to analyze how Earth has been responding to the increasing levels of greenhouse gases trapped in the Earth’s atmosphere. In addition, they also studied ancient evidence provided by tree rings, by layers of sedimentary rocks, ocean sediments and coral reefs. All information gathered presented proof that human activities have spurred substantial increases in CO2 levels at a faster rate of 250 times more than the increases incurred by natural resource emissions.
Using different climate models, several scientists from decades ago had predicted that the global warming phenomenon will result to climate changes that will consequentially wreak havoc on mankind’s existence.
Through NASA’s orbiting satellites and other advanced technologies, the findings of climate scientists have been presented with images that clearly show how Earth has responded to global warming and its resulting climate changes.
Warming Ocean – Satellite images show that the ocean absorbed most of the increased heat to which the top 100 meters show warming temperatures of more than 0.6 degrees Fahrenheit.
Receding Ice Sheets – The ice sheets in Antarctica and Greenland have receded; annually losing an average of 148 and 279 billion tons of ice respectively since 1993 to 2019.
Global Glacier Retreats – Glacier retreats denote that ice glaciers are melting at a faster pace and before snowfall could amass and form new glaciers.
Ocean Acidification – Increased acidity of the ocean surface by 30% ever since the Age of Industrial Revolution, since the ocean absorbs between 20 to 30% of the Earth’s CO2 pollution.
Extreme Calamitous Events – Record high temperatures resulting to heat waves, intense flood-causing rainfalls and stronger weather disturbances that have become more powerful and destructive, are some of examples of the consequences of the combined effects of the changes in the Earth’s climate.
While political leaders like Trump continue to ignore all scientific evidences presented by climate scientists and by NASA’s technologies, there are now more people involved in rousing global awareness about the pressing need to reduce CO2 emissions, hopefully, down to zero level.
In the coming years, President-elect Joe Biden will be the new U.S. leader who will renew country’s efforts in the fight against climate change..That being the cases, businesses focused on manufacturing green products will once again harness Instagram posts showcasing the Earth’s environment, as a way to inspire and foster participation in initiatives to save the planet.
As an aside, we recommend for Instagram users and businesses alike to use analytic tools in evaluating Instagram content. That way, they can identify which photographs and/or videos are eliciting greater numbers of responses and in identifying the types of audience who are exhibiting interests in joining the battle against the threats of climate change. One of the best providers of free analytic tools we recommend is Share My Insight accessible via this URL:
Fixing the consequences of climate change on earth is complex. All of us people will need to conserve the entire world, when you return to it is creativity and self-indulgent, collaboration.
Where’s humankind supposed to develop that type of money? But go into where the money is–heaps of resources emblazoned with names or statewide funds, and institutional investors. Convince them to quit investing in carbon emitters and get started investing in anything. That is regulatory and to say, they cannot make cash -at least, not on purpose. And if you compare an advantage portfolio optimized for “create all of the money” to an optimized for “earn all of the money except when it releases carbon, then” guess which one wins.
So how do we move the vast majority of investors to incorporate environmental factors in their thinking? Start trading with Questrades promo of $50 free. They believe that environmental variables are a suboptimal choice. Finance analysts and researchers have been chewing over this dilemma for many years -just how to incorporate environment, social, and governance variables, or ESG, into investment preparation.
Understanding the Operation
Stipulate the right-thinking people who are employed in finance understand climate change is a existential threat; exactly what they do not understand is how to put that understanding to operate without forfeiting money. So plenty of people have attempted to demonstrate that carrying ESG into consideration can boost investment yields.
The issue might be a scarcity of information. Despite endeavors also to attempt to collate that information into metrics that are useful and to support disclosures, these metrics are difficult to find. Determinations of what constitutes responsibility are a procedure.
People assert they could have as much of an effect on bottom lines as supply chains, raw material availability, market dimensions, and the rest of the stuff fund folks worry about. Investors have something to act on, however for cash, when they’re. That swings us around to the research of In. It is not peer reviewed — meant, a newspaper, as she states, to be the launch of a discussion rather than the ending, to be clear. What her staff brings to bear is access to your database by a company.
What we discover is, carbon-efficient companies have a tendency to be good companies concerning financial performance and corporate governance. To put it differently, companies that are low-carbon have a tendency to be good in other stuff. It is also a logical method, although that is a correlation, not a causation.