Tag: Relaxed Living

The Netherlands is one of the popular choices European expatriates consider as an ideal place in which to retire and enjoy life in the arms of Mother Nature. More often than not, the municipality that often gets chosen is Voorschoten, a locality in South Holland nestled between important cities such as The Hague, Leiden and Wassenaar.

The Hague

Becoming a resident of Voorschoten draws politically inclined people nearer to The Hague. It’s like being where the action is but not totally wrapped up, since most expats are quite busy making the most of their retirement years. Aside from The Hague being the seat of the Dutch government, it’s also famous as a place for holding international conferences and movements in support of peace and justice throughout the globe.

Besides, Voorschoten is a Dutch city that is not in any way short of scenic spots and museums, which are good enough reasons for being near another large city in The Netherlands: Leiden.

What Makes Leiden Important

Leiden city is not only the international centre of Dutch artworks painted by the likes of Rembrandt, van Leyden, Van Goyen and van Steen, just to name a few. Families making Voorschoten their new permanent home enjoy the considerable nearness of their abode to Leiden University, one of the oldest educational institutions in Europe.

Established in 1575, later years saw many prominent scientists continue to develop their scientific studies in Leiden. Today, many research studies on Energy , Sustainability and Carbon Capture are being advanced in Leiden University. As many research reports have been released through this university, Leiden is likewise well known for book printing and publishing services.

Why Wassenaar Matters

Another aspect that makes living in Voorschoten ideal is the municipality’s proximity to Wassenaar, the small Dutch city where traditional Dutch families and companies enjoy immense success in business and wealth management. In light of the so-called Wassenaar Arrangement that aims to maintain transparency in weapons trade and dual-use (private or government) software and technologies.

So far, making Voorschoten the location in which to settle has worked well for many expatriates. The atmosphere and environment is modern yet at the same time laid back and relaxing. Actually, residents could lock themselves out of their homes or vehicles, as the new found sense of security using Police Quality locks, they often forget their keys.

A Voorschoten Locksmith or Slotenmaker Voorschoten is a professional that also provides valuable lockpicking or lock replacement emergency services to the people in The Hague, Leiden, Waasenaar and other neighboring municipalities in Southern Holland.

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