Tips and Guidelines When Buying a Jiu Jitsu Gi

Purchasing a BJJ Gi is an enjoyment yet some of the time confounding experience. There are numerous alternatives out there, and very few clarifications that bode well. This objective of this purchasing guide is to advise you regarding each of the things you ought to think about when selecting the perfect Jiu Jitsu Gi to wear.

For what reason DO I NEED A JIU JITSU GI?

First it is significant to realize that there is a contrast between Jiu Jitsu Gis and Gis from other fighters  (Judo, Karate, Taekwondo, and so forth). Jiu Jitsu Gis are made to be considerably more strong in light of the fact that they are continually being pulled. The more slender materials found in gis from non-hooking hand to hand fighting would almost certainly tear the first run through on the tangle.

A typical error is believing that a Judo Gi can be utilized for BJJ. While the material is most likely sturdy enough, Judo Gis have more extensive sleeves. This additional material gives your rival more to hold onto. Truth be told, they can even hold the sleeve so that your hand is caught inside – not great. In BJJ, you need to give your rival as meager to take hold of as could be expected under the circumstances. This is the reason Jiu Jitsu Gis are more structure fitting than Judo Gis.


The most significant characteristic of a BJJ gi is the weave. The weave decides how much is  being utilized and how it is sewed together. This decides the gi’s thickness, and solidness. Reading bjj gi reviews will help you determine which type fits you best.

Weight: lighter gis are extraordinary for preparing in sweltering climate. They additionally help on the off chance that you are near the weight furthest reaches of your division.

Thickness: thicker gis make it difficult for your rival to get and keep up a solid hold. Simply think that it is so natural to snatch a shirt versus a thick calfskin coat. The more tightly you can close your clench hand, the more grounded your hold and the more control you have.

Solidness: this is obviously significant for the shelf life of your jiu jistu gi – particularly for preparing where you will utilize it on numerous occasions every week.

