Studies have shown that the mind has a powerful healing ability, which makes visualization therapy an effective method of helping people cope with feelings of stress and anxiety. In guided imagery sessions, the mind is directed by a qualified imagery practitioner to think of the body as sitting or lying while in a desired peaceful environment such as a forest, beach or pasture.
The goal is to allow both the mind and body to attain a relaxed state in order to ease pain, as well as alleviate other symptoms linked to a health problem. Advanced studies of visualization therapy indicate that the more specific the images envisioned, the more likely that a person will have a better sense of managing and controlling his or her emotions.
Children are encouraged to imagine sights and sounds while playing with their toys, as doing so animates the ideas formed by their minds. That way they can create a setting in which they have control over their surroundings and the elements in it.
Yet not everyone is fortunate enough to have grown up in an ideal environment that provides physical and emotional benefits. While any child can learn visualization as a means of transporting themselves to a place where they can find enjoyment, negative environmental factors can affect a child’s ability to imagine such a place.
Sad to say, environmental problems can impact the physical and mental health of children, especially if growing up in conditions bereft of proper care and nutrition. Even urban environments described as full of distractions and negative attributes can have unpleasant effects that could develop into mental health problems later on in life.
Living in residential areas located near overly busy roads and amidst loud and noisy neighbors can be stressful, since such circumstances can cause sleeplessness. More so if a family does not have the means to cope with extremely warm and cold weather conditions. Environmental pollution that forces children to breathe in “dirty air” more than doubles the possibility for children to grow up in poor health that can lead to feelings of depression.
The practice of data visualization has been increasingly important for policy makers and planners in finding solutions to address environmental problems that affect human living conditions. Data visualization can be likened to guided imagery since the presented graphical information serves as guides.
Through data visualization, visual objects that need addressing are highlighted by using varying sizes, different colors and shapes. It’s a method that stands opposed to simply presenting text and numerical figures that not all policy makers and planners can easily visualize in terms of impact and urgency.
Understanding through visualization how environmental variables present in a community, interact with each other can lead to better and more sensible solutions in addressing social and behavioral issues caused by mental health problems