What is Air Pollution?

We hear about the varied styles of pollution daily and browse about them through the mass media. Pollution is one such form that refers to the contamination of the air, no matter indoors or outside.

A physical, biological, or chemical alteration to the air within the atmosphere is often termed pollution. Otherwise observing pollution might be any substance that holds the potential to hinder the atmosphere or the well-being of the living beings surviving in it. The sustainment of all things living is thanks to a mix of gases that collectively form the atmosphere; the imbalance caused by the rise or decrease in the percentage of those gases will be harmful to survival.

Heating, an on-the-spot result of the increased imbalance of gases within the atmosphere, has come to be referred to as the most important threat and challenge that the present needs to overcome during a bid for survival.

Sources of pollution
When we try and study the sources of pollution, we usually enlist a series of activities and interactions that make these pollutants. There are two varieties of sources that we’ll take a glance at, namely Natural sources and Man-made sources.

Natural Sources
Smoke from the combustion of assorted inflammable objects, volcanic eruptions, etc. together with the emission of polluted gases also makes it to the list of natural sources of pollution.

Man-made Sources
While observing the man-made contributions towards pollution, it will be further divided into:

Outdoor Pollution Sources
Smoke features a prominent component. The reactions of certain gases and chemicals also form harmful fumes which will be dangerous to the well-being of living creatures.

Indoor Pollution Sources
In low- and middle-income countries, mostly burning fuels like dung, coal, and wood in inefficient stoves or open hearths produces a range of health-damaging pollutants. These include monoxide, methane, stuff (PM), polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), and volatile organic compounds (VOC). Exposure to smoke from cooking fires causes 3.8 million premature deaths annually.

